Spare parts are available for most models of decanter and separators
- Tungsten carbide wear ports including conveyor tiles, discharge nozzles, port liners
- Feed tubes
- Separator service kits
- Heat Exchanger plates and gaskets
- Bearing kits
- Hubs, couplings and drive shafts
- Cyclo and planetary options available
- New and reconditioned
- Custom designed gearboxes to replace unsupported/uneconomical to replace OEM gearboxes.
- Gearboxes available New and Used: P125; P52; Alfa 2.5kN; Alfa Direct Drive 3.5kN; Cyclo gears
Heat Exchanger Spares
- We offer second hand titanium and stainless steel plates for a large selection of Alfa Laval, GEA, APV and Sondex machines.
- OEM and replacement gaskets are also available.
- We also offer second hand rebuilt models.